Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mental Data Processing Card (MDPC) No. 1

I now discard all self-doubts and frustrations, leaving them behind in a yesterday that is forever gone.
I bring to this historic moment the new -- radiantly-alive, competently-creative, inspiringly-professional, magnanimously-victorious, and genuinely-successful -- 00:01 Muttaqiin image of myself that fittingly defines my sacred oath of voluntary, total and absolute submission unto The Supreme Will of A L-lah SubhanaHu wa Ta'ala (S.W.T.) and my complete faith in Muhammad SallalA L-hu 'alaihi wa Sallam (s.'a.w.), His servant and last messenger, my leader.
The new 00:01 Muttaqiin image of myself refreshes every thought of success A L-lah S.W.T. Blesses upon me.
I now stand -- spiritually and mentally -- tall, and firmly confident of the power bestowed upon me by Him.
I see my 00:01 Muttaqiin self superbly fulfilling each and every 'ibadat and 'amal salih of today and enthusiastically doing so now!


In a book entitled "The Science of Mental-Cybernetics", that I laid my hands on in early 1980's, the author provided 22 Mental Data Processing Cards (MDPC's) to recapitulate for the reader the points raised throughout, to be reaffirmed, from time to time. Other materials available then were "Mind Power" (bought by our A l-Marhum Tok Ayah), Maxwell Maltz's popularization of "Psycho-cybernetics", "The 00:01 Manager" (Blanchard & ...), Edward de Bono's writing on Lateral Thinking, HAMKA's "Tafsir A l-Azhar", M. Natsir's "Fiqhu d-Da'awah", "Nilai-nilai Dasar Perjuangan" that Pak Imaduddin -- as Master Trainer --used as his reference for discussions with participants, during Latihan Kader Da'awah
(LKD) conducted, Richard R. Skemp's "The Psychology of Learning Mathematics" (whose American Expanded edition is now available on the web, at www.questia.com), and the like.
The above is the first instalment of the MDPC's -- retouched obviously, tailored -- then and now -- to specifically welcome newcomers to the concept of TAQWA.
Since returning from performing the lesser pilgrimage ('Umrah), I bought "This Law of Ours ..." whose Foreword was written by Pola Hamidah, who admitted that she had collaborated with her husband, Muhammad Asad, since the time he was putting together pieces for his account of the 23 days he and his companion, Zayd, spent in Summer of 1932, on "The Road to Mecca". From reading Pola Hamidah's mid-1980's observation of 'the timeliness and timelessness of Muhammad Asad's thoughts and predictions, as well as their great consistency' in the Foreword she wrote in "This Law of Ours ...", perhaps it is still timely too to publish these MDPC's -- that were given insertions, at about the same time as Pola Hamidah's observation --, on the web.
From Blogger Pictures

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