Sunday, January 31, 2010

Focus attention on desire

My attention now focuses on ONE item from my desire-demand list. (I identify it.)
In my 00:01 Muttaqiin conscious mind, that desire takes on a definite shape and form.
Its image is printed in technicolour details upon the keypunch card of thought of my 00:01 Muttaqiin conscious mind.
As a mental reality, its possession thrills me now.
I am most thankful unto A L-lah S.W.T.
I release it to creative 00:01 Muttaqiin sub-conscious mind for processing.

Cancel inadequate scribbles

With the brush of visualization, I paint a new 00:01 Muttaqiin concept of the superior self on the canvas of today.
This new 00:01 Muttaqiin self-image cancels out all previous inadequate scribbles.
I breathe life into it by imbuing it with the energy of my attention, emotion and imagination. La Haula wa la quwwata illa bI L-lah.
I make the image a walking-talking picture of 00:01 Muttaqiin I potentially am.

Assume the role intended

I now assume my intended role as the 00:01 Muttaqiin.
I discard the old script and cast off inadequate portrayals.
With new inspiration and imagination, I expose a new 00:01 Muttaqiin self-image on the film of consciousness.
This new 00:01 Muttaqiin self-concept captures all the perfection, poise and mastery of my real self.
This new 00:01 Muttaqiin self-image carries me -- Bi IznI L-lah -- to excellence in all my affairs.

Release of thought-beam

With the tools of insight and optimism, I now alter the structure of my consciousness to form new 00:01 Muttaqiin patterns of belonging.
I tailor my consciousness to purposeful 00:01 Muttaqiin ends by directing my attention and concentration wisely.
I release this directed 00:01 Muttaqiin thought-beam sending it forth to find its objective and echo back to me as that experience which I desire.

Release of undesirable images

I now own up to habit-thoughts that are bidaah, khurafat, negative, immature or illogical.
In all honesty, I identify and recognize undesirable images.
My recognition provides an escape-hatch for their release.
In their place, I now assume the 00:01 Muttaqiin virtues I want to claim.
As I personify the 00:01 Muttaqiin virtues, I move -- Bi IznI L-lah -- from desire to desired demonstration.

New consciousness to dwell in

Out of the stuff of thought A L-lah S.W.T. Blesses upon me I now build a new consciousness to dwell in.
I choose the street wisely by controlling the emotion-paths my mind traverses daily.
I keep the decor uncluttered by disciplining my desires to one dominant theme of Iman, Taqwa, and Hikmah.
I seek the Blessings of A L-lah S.W.T. on my new consciousness and those who dwell near me in mind.

Review scenes of day

Pleasantly relaxed and therapeutically unemotional, I now review the scenes of my day. This scene, in particular, was most worthy of my 00:01 Muttaqiin self.
Mentally reshooting the event, again, I see myself in full command of my precious mind.
I praise A L-lah S.W.T. vowing to permit such significance to recur.
I now treasure the original scene, identifying my 00:01 Muttaqiin self with the creatively-improved replay now filling my fascinatingly photographic 00:01 Muttaqiin conscious mind.

High-Achievement Blueprint

I am superior to circumstance for I am Bestowed by A L-lah S.W.T. with the thought-power with which circumstances are made.
With that power I now design my High-Achievement Blueprint that carries me to fulfillment of a role most vital to the drama of The Ummah.
With that power I monitor the scientific, technological and psychological data pouring in each day.
I reject that which is foreign to the design.
I utilize that which enhances and advances my High-Achievement 00:01 Muttaqiin Blueprint.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

positive radiance inner warmth

Each day I behold the universe around me and find it friendly.
Each day I greet the 00:01 Muttaqiin that I really am.
A positive radiance shines forth through my smile and genuine regard for others.
A new inner warmth draws to me unprecedented happiness and success.

A purposeful and constructive design

I believe in the uniqueness that A L-lah S.W.T. Bestows upon me. I believe that I am Created by Him in a special and original way.
A purposeful and constructive design now moves through me and impels me to new success and fulfillment. Misconceptions fall away as I embrace the true 00:01 Muttaqiin concept of my real self-worth and unique value to the Ummah and, thereby, the world at large.

A new orientation

I now give my life -- my vibrant existence, a new orientation. I am technicolour-vividly clear and thoroughly consistent with the person I want to become. I recognize desires that are incompatible with success, and I discard them.
Based upon the genuine and authentic Islamic teachings, I use lateral and vertical thinking to take steps that now lead me to the life abundant, in the world here and the hereafter.